Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 12, 2012

Freeway Express for Mac

Freeway Express for Mac

With the purpose of creating applications built web page layout, Freeway allows easy use with other great features

With the purpose of creating applications built web page layout, Freeway allows easy use with other great features.
Quickly and without much effort in the design of web pages, add images and content, then publish your work in HTML format and eventually upload them to your server. Mac or in a certain folder. Freeway very clever in publishing - it only upload the changes, save you time.

Multimedia is no longer a problem: add Flash content, QuickTime, YouTube in just a few seconds. E-commerce? Freeway gives you free solution that allows you to catalog your site. With free phone number and email help technical support, Freeway is the tool loved by many programmers, or anyone who wants to express themselves on the Web.
This new version:
Color in the Actions and the correct item is transferred between the data in the copy, paste
By the following error occurs when copying the information on the page with the link color
Intaglio files can be dragged and dropped on the Freeway.

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